Thursday, November 17, 2005

Hannah Needs

So, I looked at Sara's blog (actually, if you are looking at this, you probably ARE Sara (how's it going?)... so I guess I was looking at YOUR blog) and she (you) recommended this little game. You type your name (in this case Hannah) and "needs" after it into the search bar in google. And then you see what it says that you need. I thought, oh thats silly. It will kill a few minutes before grading papers. Little did I know that an hour later I would still be chuckling to myself (today, I have been thinking I am rather funny)about what I had found.

So, here are a few things. I got a little addicted, so you can stop reading whenever you want.

1. "Hannah needs your support" Don't we all?
2. "Hannah needs a good home and a daily walk" The computer don't lie.
3. "Hannah needs to get this shit happening again" Yeah, dog.
4. "Hannah needs to to into the tunnel and face the prisoner" Don't even go there. Sounds scary.
5. "Hannah needs to go to school" Every day. How does the computer even know this!?!
6. "Hannah needs her vaccinations, worm tablets, and flea control" I have been feeling a little off lately.
7. "Hannah needs help--- are you in New Jersey?" If you knew me when I lived in NJ, you would agree.
8. "Hannah needs puppets" Sure, why not?
9. "Hannah needs to apply a lot of makeup so she can perform" Some mornings I feel like that as I get ready for school.
10. "Hannah needs long term prayer" THAT IS TRUE.
11. "Hannah needs a little sister from China" I always wanted a little sister from China!
12. "Hannah needs to be naked at all times" Sure. Whatever. I think that sounds like a good idea.
13. "Hannah needs to be as mobile as possible" Is this computer some sort of mind reader?
14. "Hannah needs to be distracted" What?
15. "Hannah needs a solo" Have you heard me sing? Its great. I DO need a solo!
16. "Hannah needs to understand that a woman's greatest sex appeal is her inetlligence and her sense of humor" Good thing for teachers to know.
17. "Hannah needs to be home sometimes" Check.
18. "Hannah needs salt!" Check.
19. "Hannah needs better costumes" I haven't been able to find all of my costumes.
20. "Hannah needs the phone line" I have needed the phone line a lot lately. And that is good.
21. "Hannah needs to wear a cute blue mask" Maybe it would bring out my eyes.
22. "Hannah needs a champion" Don't we all? Could he wear a cape?
23. "Hannah needs to jump all the way down and pick up the two treasures in the water and then jump all the way up again. (watch her head on the spikes)" Sweet!
24. "Hannah needs to get out more" OK. I better go.


Blogger SN said...

ha HA! i was laughing so hard all the way through this thing. your comments were the funniest part. you should write on this thing more. i miss your funniness!

6:45 AM  

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