Saturday, April 02, 2005

My Head Does NOT Hurt Thinking About This

I love when everyone leaves my house. For all my years of having roommates, this has been the sacred time. Why, you might ask? Do I hate my roommates? Do I run around naked? Do I do drugs? None of the above. Never hated my roommates. Don't really run around naked, not on purpose. Maybe if I forgot my towel in the other room. Drugs, not at all. I like my roommates to leave my hosue so I can have a dance party. It makes everything so much better. And that is what I am doing right now at 9:47 am on Saturday morning. I am dancing to the Celtic Salsa, and I am very cool and suave while doing it.

This dancing time is the time of BIG RIDICULOUSNESS. I do the big moves. Flashy turns and maybe some jumps. Or leaps. It does not matter what music is on or what else I have to do (case in point I am supposed to be writing a few case studies right now). I am all of a sudden Carmen Miranda (caliente!) or Martha Graham (dramatic!) or a few times I was that famous ice skater guy. He's good! But I cannot remember his name. Brian Boytano? Something. I was dancing to Les Miserables at the time. And I think I was nine.

So I love to dance around when my roommates leave. But there is the ever present problem: being caught in the BIG RIDICULOUSNESS. I think every roommate has caught me in the middle of the big dance move, a jump or such. Angela: the Christina Aguilera shake. Maria: Yellow Submarine Boogie (complete with costume, I was practicing for a grammar lesson... long story). Jenny: Billy Elliott skippy hop and the Charlies Angles opening number. Sara: well, I think she was right there with me, but I am sure she saw some pretty bad, bad as in cool not sucky, moves. Beck? Sexx Laws? I was so cool. I even had an entrance. And the list goes back to my first college days. Anyone remember the Mariah Carey Christmas dance, Bemis girls?

You see, I am and always will be a dancing fool, but if you have not seen me dance during this sacred time, you have not seen me dance. I recently saw myself dancing on my friends' wedding video. It was not the same moves I do at home. I did not look as cool. What was wrong? Where were all my smooth moves? I think its the fear of my inner dancing queen coming out. Maybe it will be too much. Maybe people just won't get where this is coming from. Maybe they will all be jealous. Who knows, but I think my cool moves need to come out. The world is really missing something.

So, now I'm going to do the Celtic Salsa one more time. Really work on honing my moves and then I might be able to get to work.


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