Tuesday, May 03, 2005

French Things

I have not had much to say for a while. Its true. My present situation has tried to eat me whole and I am now entering my last set of finals prior to beginning the ever frightening thesis. Tomorrow, I have two and I will say that two bottles of wine and a trip to look for plastic poop (I need it for a presentation, I swear) have not been the most helpful in working on that. But I have been studying since this weekend, so let's hope for my own sake that that is enough.

Tonight I sat around with Carmen, my sweet little roommate who quizzed me on hearing and vision screening for my final tomorrow as well as adaptive behavior and various psychometric tests and Gwladys, my other sweet little roommate, who also happens to be from the country of France. And here is what we talked about on this lovely evening: Poor Norwegians, what are they famous for? Vikings and SALMON, an apparently fatty fish (little did I know) with lots of Omega 3 Fatty Acids. What is France famous for? They get everything. French fries. Toast. Poodles. Kiss. I think the list might go on. We even considered renaming the kiss... I mean, gosh, is that even fair? Give someone else the kiss, you get delicious foods and a poofy tailed dog! So we have decided to rename the kiss. No longer shall it be the french kiss. From now on: the Pakistani kiss! I think it has a nice ring to it. Good evening all.


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