Tuesday, November 29, 2005

The Most Wonderful Time of the Year

It is only 22 days and 17 school days until Christmas break. I feel like I could fly. I am not even kidding... but then there are some things getting in the way of my flight. Here they are in no certain order:

1) Too much pie. Thanksgiving is a time for giving thanks and for eating a lot of pie (give thanks for the pie). If I eat any more pie, it is likley that I will not be getting off the ground any time soon.

2) Arizona has turned cold. I moved here for the warm weather. One of my favorite past times over the last 4 months has been talking about how its summer all year round here and says "oh, that sucks" when my friends say how cold it is where they are. I have been smug and have laughed at people who felt cold. But this morning, as I bundled up (some might say like a little match stick girl) for work, I was horrified to see it was 38 degrees and some parts of Phoenix were getting frost! Since I have gone soft by moving to Arizona, I proceeded to wear my puffy vest all day with a mismatched turtle neck and the first scarf I could find. Also mismatched. I think kids were laughing at my attire. If I get any colder, I will be too frozen to fly.

3) Never getting out of bed. Now, this is said after I talk about going to work in the morning. Every day I HAVE to get out of bed because I am a grown up so I need to suck it up. If I didn't... who would teach the math? But this morning, I hid for a good 20 minutes thinking of ways to get out of leaving my bed and the tent of covers I had created. Unless you strap my mattress to my back, I am not flying anywhere.

But I don't have to fly anywhere. My holiday flying was finished two days ago as I pulled into the Sky Harbor International Airport at 12:15 a.m. on a school night! After a long day/night of delayed flights I was home. For Christmas, I am Arizona girl with a few close friends coming cross country to surround me with some Christmas cheer at this most wonderful time of the year. So, I guess I don't need to fly. I'll leave the flying to them. And thats fine with me (when you fly, your lips get all dried out and "My lips hurt real bad").

Thursday, November 17, 2005

Hannah Needs

So, I looked at Sara's blog (actually, if you are looking at this, you probably ARE Sara (how's it going?)... so I guess I was looking at YOUR blog) and she (you) recommended this little game. You type your name (in this case Hannah) and "needs" after it into the search bar in google. And then you see what it says that you need. I thought, oh thats silly. It will kill a few minutes before grading papers. Little did I know that an hour later I would still be chuckling to myself (today, I have been thinking I am rather funny)about what I had found.

So, here are a few things. I got a little addicted, so you can stop reading whenever you want.

1. "Hannah needs your support" Don't we all?
2. "Hannah needs a good home and a daily walk" The computer don't lie.
3. "Hannah needs to get this shit happening again" Yeah, dog.
4. "Hannah needs to to into the tunnel and face the prisoner" Don't even go there. Sounds scary.
5. "Hannah needs to go to school" Every day. How does the computer even know this!?!
6. "Hannah needs her vaccinations, worm tablets, and flea control" I have been feeling a little off lately.
7. "Hannah needs help--- are you in New Jersey?" If you knew me when I lived in NJ, you would agree.
8. "Hannah needs puppets" Sure, why not?
9. "Hannah needs to apply a lot of makeup so she can perform" Some mornings I feel like that as I get ready for school.
10. "Hannah needs long term prayer" THAT IS TRUE.
11. "Hannah needs a little sister from China" I always wanted a little sister from China!
12. "Hannah needs to be naked at all times" Sure. Whatever. I think that sounds like a good idea.
13. "Hannah needs to be as mobile as possible" Is this computer some sort of mind reader?
14. "Hannah needs to be distracted" What?
15. "Hannah needs a solo" Have you heard me sing? Its great. I DO need a solo!
16. "Hannah needs to understand that a woman's greatest sex appeal is her inetlligence and her sense of humor" Good thing for teachers to know.
17. "Hannah needs to be home sometimes" Check.
18. "Hannah needs salt!" Check.
19. "Hannah needs better costumes" I haven't been able to find all of my costumes.
20. "Hannah needs the phone line" I have needed the phone line a lot lately. And that is good.
21. "Hannah needs to wear a cute blue mask" Maybe it would bring out my eyes.
22. "Hannah needs a champion" Don't we all? Could he wear a cape?
23. "Hannah needs to jump all the way down and pick up the two treasures in the water and then jump all the way up again. (watch her head on the spikes)" Sweet!
24. "Hannah needs to get out more" OK. I better go.

Thursday, November 10, 2005

I Never Write On This

I never write on this web log. Its true. People say to me, "You should write on your web log" or "When are you going to write on your web log?". You people are just silly. You have talked to me before! My life is not very exciting or cool (because I live in a desert... boom boom chic) and I am a lazy typist. Hate to type.

But tomorrow... hallelujah... I am going on a little vacation. I am going to the GRAND CANYON. See I have nothing to say about it. I'm just happy that I am going somewhere. Its going to be fun. Hostel. Hiking. Hullabaloo. Hannah. Hannah hiked to the hostel and caused a hullabaloo... horrendously. I AM GOING TO THE GRAND CANYON. It sounds better in caps. Here's the interesting thing about that: I just moved to Arizona. Before July 6, I had never even BEEN to Arizona. Before June 1 (ish), I had never even really THOUGHT of Arizona. And now... I LIVE here and I do things like go to the Grand Canyon, and I had never even thought of it before. Sure, the GC (somewhat like the "OC" but really not at all) sounded very nice, but very far away and practically in another country. That is what it seemed like to me. Another country. And now I live here, and its pretty nice to be here with all this newness for me. Maybe its not new for other people, but for me... I never even THOUGHT about this and somehow I just landed here. All of a sudden, out of nowhere I ended up living in Arizona. And thats kind of how my life has been going for the past little while... things I had never even THOUGHT of have just been happening. All this newness and its not even spring! Who would even believe it.