Thursday, July 27, 2006

It was on hers and now it is on mine

Sara's friend put this on her blog. So Sara put it under the big grey tent. And now I am putting it here.

1. My home is...a little studio apartment waiting for a futon to be dlivered so I can sit down.
2. I am listening to...the refidgerator and the ice maker and feeling lucky that I have an ice maker.
3. Maybe I should...plan for the up-coming school year.
4. I love it when...I finally get to the beach, run across the sand and jump in the ocean, ready to fight the waves.
5. My best friend...makes me laugh when I am sad. And I laugh a lot!
6. I don't understand...what is going on in the middle east. It is very sad.
7. I lost...the back of my favorite earring and I can't get a pencil eraser to make it stay in place.
8. People say...that I have a lot of energy, but when they say that I also know that I need a whole lot of sleep.
9. The meaning of my blog name is...that I was trying to think of a name for my blog and I couldn't think of it and it was making me unnecessarily anxious and my head was hurting as I was trying to think of a name for my blog.
10. Love is...doing new things because you love someone and then realizing that you might just love to do those things, too, when you are with them.
11. Right now, somewhere, someone is...memorizing 7 times 8 is 56.
12. I will intimidated when I meet strangers.
13. Once upon a time...I was scared of trying new things.
14. I never want to...give up on people.
15. My personal motto is...shake what your mama gave you (in the literal and figurative sense).
16. When I wake up in the morning...I squeze my hands because I think I may have arthiritis.
17. I get annoyed when...I argue with people about unimportant things.
18. People funny dances at weddings.
19. I sing...Christmas carols very well.
20. Hugs are the best when...they crack my back.
21. Today waiting for my futon to arrive.
23. Tomorrow I will...go to the DMV.
24. I really want... all my students to feel safe, happy, and confident in my classroom.


Blogger Joel Swagman said...

People funny dances at weddings

Everyone except me that is. I've really got it down to a fine art now. Smooth.

1:25 PM  

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